My Top 3 embarrassing moment as introvert but I  never complained because I appreciate My friend’s extrovert energy :

1. When My friends tell a story that contain TMI with a loud voice at public transportation ( sometimes because our friend are too excited, or emotional when they deliver the story, but me as the introvert, still gave a reaction and give responds because I know my friend just need a support… )

2. When My friend do something silly or stupid and people suddenly gave their attention…( Me as introvert be like : “okay, it’s embarrassing and I don’t like people start to look at us, but let’s laughing together my pwenn..uh…ahahaha”

3. When My friend calling my name clear and loudly at public space…
( I mean, we have technology that called ‘smartphone’ so you didn’t have to yell, and calling out someone name from across the street and let them all knowing my name like a scene in kdrama, but well.. you are my friend.. so…. let’s just waving hand rapidly, *with tense face and whispered, ” lower your voice Esmeralda..”  )

Ok, That’s 3 Embarrassing moment for introvert in my version. Now your turn, share your version on the comments section and maybe we can make a guideline to know introvert together 😌👉🏻👈🏻😆